AcquireManager Minute: Nicole Ihlenfeldt | Standard Electric Supply Co.

Manager Minute: Nicole Ihlenfeldt

ByLauren Willman


Meet… Nicole Ihlenfeldt!

Nicole Ihlenfeldt is the Warehouse Manager with Standard Electric Supply Co. She works out of Standard Electric’s Appleton, WI location. Get to know Nicole! 

What's your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? Why?

My favorite indoor activity is doing diamond art, and my favorite outdoor activity would be spending time at the beach. The reason they are my favorite activities is simple. They both give me pleasure as well as a time to relax.

Who inspires you? Why?

Hands down and without equivocation, my mother has and continues to be my inspiration! She inspires me to be better every day in whatever I am going, to achieve more than she ever could, to fight for what I want, to never give up no matter what life throws at me, and to always be thankful for each day and grateful for another day!

What are you currently watching on Netflix/streaming service?

Working Moms! Super funny and relatable.

What's the most beautiful place you've seen/traveled?

Tennessee and Georgia are the most scenic states that I have visited, and the people are amazing, and the food is great. The coolest place that I have visited is Rock City, TN.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to live a gypsy lifestyle; travel, work different jobs everywhere I went, and never remain in one location for more than a year.

What is the one thing, you can't live without? Why?

Coffee! My entire day is just thrown off if I don’t have coffee.

What's something most people don't know about you?

I get super nervous talking in front of more than two people.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

After recovering from the shock of winning the lottery, I would pay off my personal debts as well as those of my family.

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

  1. To have a house in the mountains in North Carolina
  2. Be financially set to not have to work ever again
  3. Never have to do wash, fold, or put away laundry ever again

What is your favorite part of working at Standard Electric?

My favorite part of working at Standard Electric is the genuine family culture.I especially enjoy how laid back and even-tempered everyone is, and if/when I need help, I know it will be immediately offered. My team is amazing, I have the best boss (ever), as well as a super supportive Warehouse Management team that, in my opinion, is irreplaceable.

Standard Electric Supply Co. is a family-owned distributor, built on delivering outstanding service. For over 100 years, Standard Electric has been the best at what they do; delivering top-quality products, outstanding service, and providing value-added services to customers across the Midwest. Visit to see how Standard Electric can become the solution to your needs.

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