AcquireWhat’s In a Name? A Lot When You Are a Rittal Platinum Partner | Standard Electric Supply Co.

What’s In a Name? A Lot When You Are a Rittal Platinum Partner

ByGriffin Buckley


Standard Electric is recognized as a Rittal Platinum Modification Partner. But what does that really mean? And more importantly, why does it matter to you, our customers?

Thanks to our long-standing relationship with the premium enclosure provider, Rittal, and our extensive modification shop solutions, we are one of six platinum partners in the United States. As a Rittal Platinum partner, we are poised to provide a level of service that other distributors cannot support.

  • This means equipping ourselves with cutting-edge technologies to deliver high-quality products and modification results.
  • It means investing in an on-site milling/CNC machine so we can execute customized orders more efficiently to provide faster lead times.
  • It also means stocking over 75% of all Rittal SKUs in our warehouses so we have what you need when you need it.
  • Finally, it means we help you cut down on labor and time by handling the time-consuming tasks of punching, drilling, tapping, and measuring by utilizing our in-house modification services.
Thanks to our in-house enclosure engineering support specialists, Standard Electric is able to provide a sophisticated level of knowledge and understanding behind every project. For a full look at our enclosure modification services and offerings as a Rittal Platinum partner, download our Rittal Platinum Card.

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Standard Electric Supply Co. is a family-owned distributor, built on delivering outstanding service. For over 100 years, Standard Electric has been the best at what they do; delivering top-quality products, outstanding service, and providing value-added services to customers across the Midwest. Visit to see how Standard Electric can become the solution to your needs.

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