AcquireManager Minute: Dale Eastman | Standard Electric Supply Co.

Manager Minute: Dale Eastman

ByJulia Jaskie


Meet… Dale Eastman!

Dale Eastman is the Accounts Receivable Credit Manager with Standard Electric Supply Co. She works out of Standard Electric’s Milwaukee, WI location. We asked Dale ten questions to get to know her better!

What’s your favorite indoor or outdoor activity?

Dog training. You get to spend time with your best friend building trust, teaching new skills, and having fun. Which led me to become an instructor to families with new puppies. And who doesn’t like spending time with puppies?!

Ten years ago, are you where you thought you would be now? 

Ten years ago, I thought I was working for the company I would retire from, but 5 ½ years ago they sold out to another distributor and our location was closed. Now I am at the company I will retire from.

Who inspires you and why?  

My dad inspired me. He never gave up and worked two and three jobs to support his growing family.  He stuck with the same company for 44 years, working from the lowest position to that of Superintendent of Building & Grounds. That’s not bad for someone with only a high school diploma that he almost didn’t get because of WWII.  He showed me that no matter what you do in life, do it to the best of your ability and have fun while you are doing it.

What are you currently watching on Netflix/Some other streaming service?

I’m actually not watching anything. There’s no time to sit in front of a TV!

What is the first concert you attended?  

Huey Lewis & the News, back when they had the Lake Front Follies. All the music was free and they were an ‘up and coming’ band….. LOL

What is the one thing, you can’t live without? Why?      

Diet Coke – I’m an addict.

What is your favorite part of working at Standard Electric? Why?

Standard Electric is very similar to the company I came from – family owned (until they sold out) Distributor (different industry) where everyone was like a brother or sister, uncle (yes, there were the creepy ones too) or aunt and we all looked out for each other. It is hard to find companies that have this family feel.

And, it’s close to home….

What’s something most people don’t know about you? 

My degree is in Business Management – it started as an Accounting degree but I had no plans to sit for the CPA. And I earned all of it while working full time. Yes, that means night school for a very long time…

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? 

Set up a trust – and most of all not tell anyone I won!

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Why?

John F. Kennedy. I know – all politicians are crooks, and he and his family may have been too, but back then I believe there was a lot more respect for the office of President than there has been in the last 25 years. I think, had he lived, he would have done great things.  I’d like to find out what those things would have been. 

Standard Electric Supply Co. is a family-owned distributor, built on delivering outstanding service. For over 100 years, Standard Electric has been the best at what they do; delivering top-quality products, outstanding service, and providing value-added services to customers across the Midwest. Visit to see how Standard Electric can become the solution to your needs.

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